…and the Roadmap to Making it Happen Happy 2024! Ahhhhh, the first day of a new year. The day after the songs, the ball drop, the midnight kisses, banging on pots and pans, the quick calls and texts to family. I love it…all of it. Even if just snuggling at home with a few of […]
…and Tips for Approaching it Mindfully Are you one to set a new year’s resolution? Or does even the thought of that increase your heart rate, make you cringe, and you want to “quit” before you even get started? No matter where you stand in this debate, you are not alone. In fact, if you […]
Why is it that so many people think having discipline when it comes to good eating choices and exercise is a bad thing? Perhaps it is not that they actually think it is “bad”, but that is often how it can come across. Comments, eye rolls, snuffs, when the dessert tray is “denied,” and healthy snack options are brought to gatherings.