


Bravery is more than just courage. It is often romanticized in literature and cinema, portrayed as a heroic act in the face of danger. However, true bravery extends beyond grand gestures; it embodies the daily choices you make in your life. At its core, bravery is about confronting fear, uncertainty, and adversity, and it manifests […]



Two-by-Two Not too long ago I was staying at a hotel with my family and the balcony of our room overlooked a large pond.  In that pond were turtles…on the land near the pond, sunning at the top of the water, swimming around.  From the aerial view I could see that no turtle was alone. […]

Mental Health


Depression Awareness Month Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and one of the five fields of health we dive into on this Blog.  Mental health influences how you think, feel, and act in your daily life. It affects your ability to handle stress, relate to others, and make decisions. One of the […]

A Seed…buried to grow


Comparing a seed to human life, there are so many parallels.  Think about a seed.  You have this tiny little thing that may even seem somewhat irrelevant. It is typically a round, hard surface that looks so … simple.  You bury it into dirt.  You nourish it. You water it and give it sunlight.  You […]



(and the impacts of) Laughter is more than just a reaction to something funny; it’s a powerful tool for enhancing your well-being and improving your overall quality of life. The benefits of laughter span across physical, mental, and emotional health as well as into our relationships. Studies have shown the following health benefits:  Physical Endorphins […]

The Caterpillar Effect


Metamorphosis…A Journey to Transformation When you were born into the world, you were a pure, innocent being. As you age, you experience various circumstances – geography, economics, family dynamics, interactions.  Some help you, some hurt you.  Either way, only you can free yourself from or help yourself through any of it.  You have an innate […]



Recovery Awareness Month Often, when we think of addiction, our minds tend to think of addictions to substances such as nicotine, drugs, and alcohol. Yet, we can develop addictions to so many other behaviors and/or habits. In fact, according to addiction.com, the following were listed within the top 10 types of addictions: How/why do addictions […]

W.I.N. Charting


(What I Need) Through social media, ads, and the internet and media in general, hundreds of things or ways that you “should be” are thrown at you each day. Things you need, emotions you “should” have, items and/or products you would be better off purchasing, “sides” you should be taking…it’s a constant web of ideas, […]

Creating Change


People are often resistant to change, not realizing that change itself is constant. Even if you resist or avoid it, it will enter your life just the same. At first it can be difficult or annoying but, with time and an open mind, it can bring great things – personal growth, flexibility, improvement, strength, progress, […]



…a state of mental and physical exhaustion that can zap the joy out of friendships, family interactions, and so much more. Continual exposure to stressful situations can lead to this stress condition.  It isn’t always easy to spot and is worse than ordinary fatigue, as it can make it challenging for people to cope with […]

Mindfulness is being fully present and aware of what you are doing, thinking, and feeling at the moment. When your mind wonders, you are aware and gently bring it back to what you are focusing on—without judgement. Interested in learning more? Grab this guide help you get started.
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