
A Quick Guide to Healthier Habits


Having habits and routines are essential aspects of everyday life.  Habits are the small changes that can add up to significant results over time.  Habits can play an active role in multiple aspects of life – mental and physical health, productivity, relationships, self-esteem, etc. In fact, studies have found that successful people tend to have […]

5 Tips on Embracing Feelings & Emotions


What 6 Common Emotions May be Showing You Mindfully embracing your feelings and emotions (without judgment, with an open heart and mind) allows you to accept them with compassion, awareness, and more understanding toward yourself and others.  Feelings and emotions – whether anxiety, grief, sadness, happiness, anger, or whatever you are experiencing in the moment […]

Developing a Growth Mindset


5 Key Questions and Growth Mindset Statements Scientists have proven that the brain acts like a muscle – the more it is used, the stronger (and smarter) the brain becomes.  Growth mindset is the belief that a person’s abilities and intelligence can be developed through practice, hard work, dedication, and motivation. A growth mindset can […]

A Guide to Living Mindfully


Living mindfully is about taking moments throughout the day to be fully present. It is about being aware of your individual impact and acknowledging the ripples of each step you take.  Mindfulness is being fully aware of what you are doing, thinking, and feeling at the moment.  When your mind wanders, you are aware and […]

Welcome 2024 – The Year of “Halfway There”


…and the Roadmap to Making it Happen Happy 2024! Ahhhhh, the first day of a new year.  The day after the songs, the ball drop, the midnight kisses, banging on pots and pans, the quick calls and texts to family.  I love it…all of it.  Even if just snuggling at home with a few of […]

The Pros and Cons of Setting a Resolution


…and Tips for Approaching it Mindfully Are you one to set a new year’s resolution?  Or does even the thought of that increase your heart rate, make you cringe, and you want to “quit” before you even get started? No matter where you stand in this debate, you are not alone.  In fact, if you […]

Reduce Holiday Stress


A Deeper Dive Into Stress and Anxiety (During the Holidays and Beyond) Within this Blog we have talked about working through negative thoughts and finding the joy in and enjoying (the holiday season and) life, which is needed and so good for our bodies and minds.  One of the reasons I offered these tips is […]

EnJOY the Holiday Season


5 Ways to Find More Joy This Holiday Season (and beyond) With Christmas around the corner, we often here, see, and even sing the word JOY.  Christmas Joy; Joy to the World; O’ Come All Ye Faithful, Joyful, and Triumphant; Sweet Hymns of Joyful Chorus; …with the Joy on Christmas Day; Comfort and Joy name […]

5 Ways to Work Through Negative Thoughts


Thoughts and emotions are not a choice – they automatically enter into our minds and bodies.  That’s the science of human nature.  None of them are “bad,” even if they are “negative.”  It is how we choose to react to these thoughts and emotions that can be a game changer.  No matter how or how […]

Person Holding Baseballs

The Game Ball


You see all sorts of emotions during these tournaments- frustration, excitement, sadness, and joy (and that’s just within the first inning)…from the coaches and the players (and often the fans). From the time you hear “play ball” to the time the final “out” is called in the last inning, you know there will be all sorts of excitement. And, for some of us coaching wives, it’s far before (and beyond) that.

Mindfulness is being fully present and aware of what you are doing, thinking, and feeling at the moment. When your mind wonders, you are aware and gently bring it back to what you are focusing on—without judgement. Interested in learning more? Grab this guide help you get started.
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