
It’s Just Not “Fair”…


Have you ever said that something just “isn’t fair”. If so, you’re right. Often things happen that just aren’t “fair” and that is a hard part of life.  You can plan and plan.  You can prepare for things as much as possible.  You can think you have things “figured out”…and then…WHAM!  Something hits unexpectedly.  Something […]

Your Finances and Your Health


How you spend your money determines the type of world you want to live in.  Some say it’s how you spend your time that determines your priority.  It can also be true with your money.  In addition, your finances can have an impact on your overall health and well-being. Let me ask you this to […]

Physical Health Promotes Mental Health (and vice versa)


Mental health is being talked about a lot more than it used to be (thank goodness), but do you know how very much physical health affects mental health? Aerobic exercises, including jogging, swimming, cycling, walking, gardening, dancing, etc. have been proven to reduce anxiety and depression.  This is proposed to be caused by the exercise-induced […]

Your Happiness vs. Others


This may be one of our deeper topics on the Blog – your happiness vs. others.  To start, I would like to you ask yourself three (maybe difficult) questions: It is human nature to question whether it is “right or wrong” to prioritize your own happiness, which is a subjective experience, over that of others.  […]

Keep Tiny Promises to Yourself…


and the impact it has When you experience broken promises from a friend or family member it can stir up feelings of disappointment, frustration, and betrayal. It can create a loss of respect and erode relationships. When you don’t keep a promise to someone it communicates to that person that you don’t value him/her. You […]

Freedom and Independence


3 Types of Freedom and Tips on Breaking Free Freedom means the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without restraint or hindrance, without restriction, interference, or fear.  Essentially freedom means having choices. It is about being able to change your mind and choose different paths. It is about having no […]

Regaining Self-Trust


Self-trust is one of the most powerful virtues you have.  To succeed in anything, you must possess the ability to trust yourself.  Otherwise, you are living through someone else, you are trusting someone else to offer you what you need, you are giving up the power to do what is best for you.  You have […]



20 Tips to Stop Your Mind from Overthinking Overthinking, or when your thoughts and worries circle in an endless loop, can stem from a lot of things.  Fear of making mistakes, stress, and perfectionism name a few. If you constantly overthink things, it will become a habit.  This habit can, in turn, make you more […]

What You Need to Focus on Right Now…


What you can control. Your focus should be on the things you can control.  You may worry about things and when you find yourself doing so, ask “is this something I can actually have any control over?”  Take a moment to examine the situation. Pause. Notice. Revisit the facts (for sure stick to the facts). […]

Gardening as a Mindfulness Exercise


Within the last few years, the Royal Horticulture Society (RHS) and a few partner Universities did a study to help determine whether gardening is a mindfulness activity and the impact it has on our mental well-being (Mind & Soil). For this, a benchmark needed to be established so they reviewed how stressed the participants were […]

Mindfulness is being fully present and aware of what you are doing, thinking, and feeling at the moment. When your mind wonders, you are aware and gently bring it back to what you are focusing on—without judgement. Interested in learning more? Grab this guide help you get started.
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