Mental Health… It is my belief that striving for healthy choices and a lifestyle focusing on 5 fields of health – emotional, physical, financial, spiritual, and mental – will help produce the optimal overall well-being. Over the next five weeks, we will be diving deeper into each one of these. This week, mental health. Mental […]
Tips to Achieve Financial Health It is my belief that striving for healthy choices and a lifestyle focusing on 5 fields of health – emotional, physical, financial, spiritual, and mental – will help produce optimal overall well-being. Over the next five weeks, we will be diving deeper into each one of these. To start, this […]
Transforming Your Life Through Thankfulness Gratitude is more than just a polite response; it’s a powerful emotion and practice that can significantly enhance your well-being. Research has shown that cultivating gratitude can lead to numerous psychological, emotional, and social benefits. This week we will explore various advantages of practicing gratitude and offer practical ways to […]
After working with many different people, each going through different things and often transitioning from one situation into another, a common feeling gets brought up a lot – loneliness. There is a difference, however, between loneliness vs. being alone. They represent fundamentally different experiences. While both involve a state of solitude, their emotional implications and […]
Steps to Navigating a Path to Resolution Intrapersonal (self) conflict can occur when grappling with competing desires, beliefs, or values. This internal struggle can lead to stress, indecision, and a sense of being stuck. One effective strategy for resolving such conflicts is to deliberately engage with the opposing side of your own thoughts and feelings. […]
Resistance, for the purpose of this article, means the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument. Resistance can be positive for your health when it comes to limiting spending, preventing behavior that may hurt you or others, etc. On the contrary, it can also keep you […]
In the season of trick-or-treat and costumes, it makes me think of the “masks” people put on to cover things up – whether emotionally or physically; to hide behind; to lead others to believe you’re something or someone different than you really are (or want to be); to blend in; to protect your vulnerabilities. In […]
The Thief of Joy In an age dominated by social media, where highlight reels of others’ lives are just a scroll away, the saying “comparison is the thief of joy” has never rung truer. While it’s natural to compare yourself to others, this tendency often leads to feelings of inadequacy and discontent. But why does […]
Bravery is more than just courage. It is often romanticized in literature and cinema, portrayed as a heroic act in the face of danger. However, true bravery extends beyond grand gestures; it embodies the daily choices you make in your life. At its core, bravery is about confronting fear, uncertainty, and adversity, and it manifests […]
Two-by-Two Not too long ago I was staying at a hotel with my family and the balcony of our room overlooked a large pond. In that pond were turtles…on the land near the pond, sunning at the top of the water, swimming around. From the aerial view I could see that no turtle was alone. […]