Meaning & Purpose

Apr 2, 2024

Research shows that purpose and meaning in life are associated with the highest levels of happiness.  In fact, it is said that having a purpose in life is one of the most fundamental human needs.  However, finding your purpose is often not obvious.  It helps when you are inspired and connected to doing more of what does make you happy, more of what you love, and more of what brings you the most joy. There is not “right or wrong” way to do this, but when you find your version of it, you’ll notice.

It takes self-reflection and connection.  It takes better engagement with yourself.  And…these 7 habits may also help live a life with a purpose:

  1. Live by your beliefs and values – if living a life with purpose, it is important to have core beliefs and values that influence decisions, shape day-to-day actions, and determine short-term priorities.  Listen to that inner voice versus being influenced by others. Stay true to yourself.
  2. Set priorities – identify activities that matter most and spend the majority of your time and effort in these areas.  “How we spend our days is how we spend our lives..”
  3. Follow your passion – waking up each morning eager to face another day usually comes from putting heart in all you do…and to feel like you’re personally making a difference.
  4. Achieve balance – pure balance is difficult, but aiming to give yourself time is important.  Put your heart into a career and into building relationships with friends and family, but also reserve adequate time to satisfy your own personal needs.
  5. Feel content – find that inner peace. Finding satisfaction in who you are and what you have.  Many say the “grass is greener”…others say the real measure of wealth is how much you would be worth if you lost all of your money.  It’s not monetary, it is internal. Appreciate who YOU are and don’t compare yourself to others.  Also find contentment within your relationships – release grudges, forgive those who have hurt you.
  6. Make a difference – in someone else’s life…or your own. Do things for others without expectations of personal gain, serve as an outstanding role model, gain satisfaction in witnessing success in others as well as witnessing your own.  “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle…”
  7. Live in the moment – cherish every moment and seek to love life without regret.  Take joy in the experiences that life gives and do not worry about keeping score.  Things happen FOR you, not TO you.

Each week we try to correlate these Blog Posts with our weekly newsletter.  In each you will also get a helpful Mindful Minute – this week, “Color” (yep, good ol’ fashioned coloring). If you haven’t yet, enter your first name, email and click “yes, please” in the black box within the main Blog Page of this website to have these drop into your inbox each week.

For additional tips on mindful living and topics like this, follow me @livinghealthyin5fields on social media.

Photo Cred: Thanks @jl_photo06 for capturing my #halfwaythere moments for the month of April. Because this gal has a birthday this month….the BIG 5-0…and I’m choosing to live life (and prepare myself mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially) as though I’m going to live to 100! Double my life’s experiences … yes, please! Try to stay as healthy as possible while doing so? You betcha!

you said:

  1. Kerri Rocco says:

    All Great advice! I really like the quote that you mentioned “a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” 🩷 the halfway there mindset!

    • JJ McClain says:

      hi! I hope all is well. Thanks for popping on here and giving this a read. :). I love that quote too…and this mindset has been a game changer. Hey, we have to embrace aging somehow, right !?

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